What Is a Soy Wax Candle and It’s Advantages?

What exactly is soy wax? 

Soy wax is a natural wax made entirely from vegetable soybeans. The beans are washed, cracked, de-hulled, and rolled into flakes after they are gathered. The flakes are used to extract soybean oil, and the remaining flakes are utilized as animal feed.

Paraffin wax, which is one of the most popular candle waxes due to its low price, is made in a different way. The oil purification process from petroleum, coal, or oil shale produces paraffin wax. When the waxy ingredient in crude oil is removed, you're left with paraffin wax.

Why should you use soy wax? 

Traditional paraffin wax is made from petroleum and is non-renewable, whereas soy wax is made from environmentally benign, renewable materials. Not only are there environmental benefits to using soy wax instead of another type of candle wax, but it also burns slower than paraffin wax, resulting in a longer-lasting candle.


While all candles produce some black soot while burning, soy wax candles burn cleaner and produce less soot. Another reason to use soy wax in candles is that it is a great aroma carrier that does not require the use of chemical enhancers. As a consequence, you'll have a well-balanced, true-to-scent candle.

What are the benefits of soy wax candles? 

The leftover fragments of soybean become soybean cake as they are pressed to obtain oil that can be used to make soy sauce or tofu. This soybean cake is heated until it turns liquid after being blended with a tiny amount of mineral oil.


Soy wax melts at a lower temperature than paraffin, which takes more energy to reach its own melting temperature. The more energy it takes to melt anything back to a liquid condition, the higher the melting point. This means that soy candles burn cooler, which means that soy candle wax emits fewer carbon emissions.

The Advantages of Using Soy Wax Candles-   

Soy wax candles have numerous advantages, including: 


1. They do not leave hazardous residue after burning, as regular paraffin wax candles frequently do.


2. When burned, they generate no carcinogens or poisonous compounds, whereas paraffin wax can release harmful poisons into the air for hours. People are increasingly switching to soy because they believe it is healthier for their family and pets.


3. Produce a very lovely smell that isn't found in other types of candles


4. They burn at a lower temperature, requiring less energy to reach the melting point. As a result, soy-based candles burn cold, emitting fewer carbon emissions.


5. Soy wax candles are biodegradable, meaning they can naturally decay without leaving a hazardous residue. As a result, they are incredibly eco-friendly and beneficial to both you and the environment.

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Is it safe to use soy wax candles? 

Soy is one of the components that can be used to manufacture soy wax, but it remains a contentious issue. Soybean glycosides have been linked to a variety of health issues, including Alzheimer's disease and red blood cell anemia. Despite the fact that soy has been consumed in Asia for millennia, many people are now questioning its safety after several studies have proven the negative effects of too much soy on the human body. You can easily buy soy wax candles online.

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